Have you ever made an impeccable shot? Of course you have. Discovering the formula to re-create those shots is the greatest “hook” in all of sports.

Dedicated golfers are the quintessential masochists; they willingly endure four to five hours of incessant frustration, in pursuit of the elusive perfect shot, whose ineffable quality is often referred to as being “better than sex.

Only in golf do most shots miss the target. The criteria varies from one player to the next, but even at the highest competitive level, the quality of “misses” determines the difference between winning and losing.

Which of the following shots do you think caused the most frustration? Is there a conclusive response? A wild slice, a dribbling tee shot, and a missed two-foot putt are just a few examples of possible frustration indicators. The correct response will vary depending on the player’s skill level.

Why are these shots so annoying to take? because the fundamental swing mechanics are flawed and are easily explained. A wild slice is the result of an outside-in swing plane, a topped shot is always the result of lifting one’s head too early, and the missed two-foot putt is frequently caused by failing to recognize the green’s slope.

One’s propensity to focus on swing flaws increases with time spent playing. The underlying idea is that realizing your mistakes will eventually result in long-term improvement.

When one understands the reason(s) for a poor shot, it can be frustrating enough, but how does a perfect shot end up on a list of golf’s most frustrating shots?

The purpose of the game is to make perfect shots; however, I would argue that trying to figure out how to make those shots on demand is a fruitless endeavor.

Can you remember your thoughts right before you made the last flawless shot? Did you keep your head down, shift your weight, and cock your wrist, or perhaps lock your right leg, tuck your shoulder under, and pause at the top of the backswing?..

Does a perfect swing lead to perfect shots? How do we take perfect shots into consideration?

It is impossible for the conscious mind to comprehend the secret to replicating those shots. It is futile to use swing mechanics to try to recreate the feeling; just when you think you have the solution in hand, it escapes your grasp.

The key component is trust. You have to believe that a perfect shot is the result of “letting go”.

Trusting in your capacity to put right and wrong aside for 1.5 seconds and simply hit the ball is the first step to consistently playing to the best of your ability.

In order for you to establish the mental state that serves as the only link between you and the professionals you observe on television, I hope this article serves as a catalyst.

Thanks for reading!

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