What if Santa Claus actually existed? Do you think anyone would ever receive a gift? Some people might, for sure, but would you? The reason we are asking you this question is that as the legend has it; “He is aware of your sleeping and waking hours. He is aware of your good or bad deeds, so for goodness sake, do good!”

Oh no, who cares if I wasn’t perfect all the time? Do I still receive free gifts for Christmas? What if Santa Clause existed in reality, how about you? Are you now sorry for yelling at that person on the freeway, whoops? Getting angry with your partner? Speaking ill of someone behind their back? Remember; “he knows” so you cannot deny it? What if? Well, forget about your new golf clubs, BMW, or ultra-compact nano-sized iPod. What if there was a god similar to Santa Clause who bribed you by offering material rewards instead of eternal salvation? Are you going to be good or bad?

Many think it might be more effective than religion because people don’t really care about heaven since it’s so far away, they already know they’re bad people, and they have so many demons in their closets that they might never reach it. But Santa Clause, oh, now that might be something they can get into, as he might bring them a new SUV, a flat-panel large-screen TV with surround sound, or some tickets for a luxurious cruise, which we all think we deserve. Indeed, What If Santa Claus Really Existed? Think on that.

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