I’ve seen it all now. Everyone owns a golf cart in this city, which has an absurdly high number of them. In fact, the neighborhood Starbucks sees about as many golf carts as SUVs at its drive-through. When I saw the elderly woman being struck by the man driving the yellow Hummer golf cart, I was drinking my raspberry white mocha frappachino without whip cream and staring out the window.

The Old Lady driving the EZ GO golf cart must have thought the Hummer golf cart driver would stop and give him the right-of-way. Contrary to popular belief, the Old Lady stayed still and was creamed. My laptop’s cord came out of the back of my computer when I leaped from my seat and caught it with my foot. Yes, I have one of those faulty batteries, and as a result, I must keep the darn thing plugged in constantly. Since I have a Toshiba laptop, which resembles that wrecked EZ GO, I guess it’s not made in the same American quality as the Hummer golf cart.

Anyway, as soon as I regained my balance and ran out to help, my computer shut off (I can’t recall the title of the article I was working on because the computer lost it, so I’m replacing it with this crazy slice of life article). Yes, I had my Frappachino in one hand just in case I needed one last swig of caffeine before rushing in to save the EZ GO crash victim. All of us were fine, except for the charitable woman studying in the Kabala Notebook next to me while 9-11 happened.

So an ambulance, fire truck, police officer, and the fire chief then arrive in a cool SUV equipped with enough antennas to communicate with god or locate extraterrestrial life while connecting to the Very Large Array in New Mexico. The driver of the hummer had already entered Starbucks to get his latte after playing some decent golf, or so he claimed; it’s hard to tell, but to me, the man resembled a giant potato more than a trim, fit Tiger Woods.

The elderly woman was upset, but after the ambulance assistants gave her a once over, she laughed it off. At some point, the scene from the parking lot entered the coffee shop. Starbucks undoubtedly made at least $100 from all of those customers. The nearby independent coffee shop was deserted. The law of bigness rules, whether it’s large golf carts in the parking lot or coffee shops in free markets. Smaller ones must give way.

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