Developing your putting skills is one of the best ways to lower your golf handicap. In most rounds, the short game contributes close to or more than 60% of your overall score. The top golfers practice their wedge play and greenside chipping extensively.

Find your perfect putting style:

There are numerous putting techniques to choose from. You should find a stroke that works for you rather than getting caught up in trying to find the ideal one because every putter is different. Being confident and holding onto the idea that every putt you step over will find the hole are essential for successful putting. Golfers who have trouble putting tend to get caught up in constantly switching up their putting techniques or drastically altering their routines. This results in constant self-doubt, which in turn causes confidence to decline and a subpar golf game. Keep your eyes over the ball as much as you can is a crucial mechanical tip to remember. Holding a golf ball up to your eye level and dropping it, then watching to see if it strikes the playing ball on the ground, is a useful exercise to help you achieve this.

Another important skill for improving as a golfer is learning how to selectively recall information. It’s crucial to keep in mind to move on from poor shots, take what you can from them, and believe your next shot will result in a successful putt. Avoid dwelling on the misses because doing so will make you lose confidence and put you at risk for the yips. Your mentality has a big impact on your confidence levels, so be sure to emphasize your strengths and take lessons from your mistakes. Making sure you are always putting to make it is a crucial aspect of putting to keep in mind. You should always aim to make the putt, regardless of how far it is, as this will leave you with the smallest margin for error. This does not imply that you must putt forcefully; instead, consider putting so that the ball rolls into the hole softly. This will decrease your margin for error and enable you to make the most putts possible.

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