Lowering your golf scores is a difficult task that takes perseverance and hard work to complete. One way to shoot lower scores more quickly is to improve your short game. Shots from within 120 yards make up the majority of the short game.

Wedge game tips:

If you want to get better at your short game, particularly the wedge game, a lot of practice is crucial. Practice is the only way to develop the touch necessary to get better at the short game. On the range, practice your shots from within 150 yards as much as you can. Additionally, you must put a lot of effort into improving your chipping on the greens because it is the secret to rising and falling more frequently.

Don’t forget to set aside some time for bunker shots during your practice sessions because getting in and out of bunkers can actually save you a lot of strokes each time you play. In order to use the sand as a cushion to lift the ball out of the sand, you should aim to hit the sand about 2 to 3 inches behind the ball when hitting bunker shots. In order to get the ball out quickly, make sure to accelerate during the downswing.

To ensure that your scores are as low as possible, course management is another important factor. Being conservative is frequently the best course of action if you want to reduce your scores. Choose targets off the tee that you are confident you can hit most of the time. The angle of approach to the green is a crucial component of course management that is frequently ignored. If at all possible, locate the location of the pin on the greens before choosing targets on the fairways that give you the best angle to the pins while avoiding as many hazards as you can.

Being a better golfer also requires improving your putting. Making sure to settle on and stick with one primary putting technique is essential for developing consistency as a putter. Remember that even the best putters will occasionally miss easy putts, so it’s crucial to train your memory to be selective and to move past past errors. Instead, quickly assess your mistakes and take what you can from them, then move on with the conviction that your subsequent shots will succeed. Make sure to keep your mind on the target when you are over the putt and to keep it still as you begin the putting stroke.

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