Let me first start by saying that no, I did not have the opportunity to sit down with the highest grossing

professional golfer in human history to pick his brain on real estate investing techniques.

Nor did I “stay at a Holiday Inn Select last night”;-)

But I did happen to find out there was an hour long A&E Biography on Tiger Woods’ life a few weeks ago,

and just couldn’t pass up the chance to hear what this master would say about becoming a success, and continually building upon it.

Don’t worry though – because I’m not here to bore you with golf analogies and cross-reference them to real

estate investing.

In fact, I don’t golf at all, I’m not fond of watching or playing it in the slightest, and usually have to take

a few seconds to remember what the difference between a “birdie” and a “bogie” is.

(I’m sorry to let all the golfers down, but for me, walking 1,000 yards in 4 hours is just not sufficient…I much prefer to maneuver my powder skis through a stand of pines on a back bowl tucked away in the Rocky Mountains…enjoying the fact A glass of gluhwein is waiting for me in the lodge at the bottom as I float over three feet of champagne-like powder.

But I digress.

While you and I might have different perspectives on the game of golf…

There’s definitely one thing that you and I will certainly agree upon – and that’s when Tiger Woods talks about

strategy, discipline, and mentally conditioning yourself up to win, then we would be best served to sit down and

listen hard to this pro.

During the first few minutes of the A&E segment, I bothered to wonder “what would be the What is Tiger Woods’ strategy for buying real estate?”

That question has an astonishing answer.

Based upon actual Tiger Woods quotes, he would approach the ‘game’ strategically, with a clear vision of where

he would like to end up, and relentlessly practice his ‘game’ and strategies until he achieved his ultimate goal,

and tune out the distractions that came along with professional golf.

His strategy is peculiar because it sounds like it was written by him.

Yet I’m not here to toot my own horn, just to report to you my discoveries from Tiger’s interviews and how

that corresponds with you and I continuing to build out a real estate investing empire that generates 6 figure

bank accounts, 7 figure net worth’s, and scales into an 8 figure empire.

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective), there was one final platinum nugget that Tiger also

conveyed during an interview. And that was related to his response to “failure.”

Tiger, to start, avoided using the word “fail.”

He actually turned it around in the interview and called it a challenge or an obstacle that provided

minor setbacks.

The way he dealt with them, he said, was to realize that “in order to get three steps ahead, sometimes

you need to pause, take a step back, and get re-acquainted before you can take yourself to the next level.”

That knowledge, and the manner through which we deal with adversity in every real estate investing deals

every day, will serve to help you take your property investment business to the next level over time.

As I’ve frequently mentioned on calls with my subscribers and in one-on-one personal client consultations, the successful real estate investor adheres to a primary investment strategy, has a clear business vision, and consistently focuses on honing their understanding of how they’re going to build an investment empire of their dreams, every single day.

I take my hats off to Tiger Woods for being one of the greatest professional golfers in the world who sets an

example for all generations of golfers.

I admire someone who has honed a great talent, and most importantly, puts it to good use by leveraging his

renowned celebrity to promote positive ideals and values while volunteering his time to serve a younger


I’m also grateful to this man, whom, without knowing it, his words of golfing wisdom are also serving us real

estate investor’s a great reminder as to how we should approach real estate investing on a daily basis to

dominate our market, and achieve the targets we’ve set for ourselves.

I appreciate you, Tiger Woods.

– Brad Wozny

Founder, GREATRealEstateInvestingINFO.com

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