This is possible if you’ve ever played golf in the Philippines.

Midway through the 1980s, my Navy friends and I were playing golf close to Subic Bay. I can’t remember which hole it was, but my friend Dave smashed his drive straight down the middle of the fairway. A beautiful shot that was at least 240 yards,

A small monkey ran out onto the fairway from the trees as soon as the golfer had finished congratulating himself on such a hit. The monkey gave Dave a curious look before grabbing his ball and scurrying back into the trees. Dave, startled, ran down the fairway in search of the monkey and his ball. Simply put, the other three members of the group were too busy laughing. As Dave continued to yell at the monkey, the rest of us hit before moving closer to him. “Give me my ball, you naive little monkey!” right then the monkey threw the ball at When Dave took a closer look, he realized it wasn’t his ball. The monkey had a large collection of golf balls next to a tree, suggesting that it was a habit of itss to steal peoples’ clubs. As Dave attempted to dodge each ball that the monkey continued to hurl his way, the monkey continued to throw balls.

Dave was told to stop bothering the monkey by the caddies, who had just arrived (a course requirement). Dave is pacing around the entire time while covering his head with his hands. The monkey finally stopped throwing balls, and Dave just picked up one near him and said, “guess I’ll take this one”. We laughed while playing for the remainder of the round.

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