Improving your putting is one of the best ways to quickly lower your scores. The good news is that putting is primarily a mental skill in golf, so almost any player can become a great putter. In most rounds of golf, the short game accounts for 60% or more of your shots, so working hard in this area can significantly improve your scores.

Stick to one main method:

Both the types of putters and the methods for putting are very varied. The best putters are able to select one putting style and putter, sticking with it through good times and bad. Even the best putters will occasionally miss simple short putts, but they are able to keep their composure and have faith that their subsequent attempt will be successful. The key is to establish and adhere to a routine that has been shown to be effective. What sort of putting routine should you employ next to achieve the best results?

The routine must be developed on both a physical and mental level. The physical element of the routine can change, but the foundation of the mental routine must remain constant. Avoiding mechanical thoughts as you prepare to strike the putt is a crucial piece of advice for the mental routine. Before you make the putt, clear your head and pay attention to the target. You need to take a break and restart the procedure if you are having any doubts as you are about to hit the putt. Your mind should be prepared for the shot by way of the physical exercise.

Short putts are essential for lower scoring, so when practicing, you should concentrate on making them. Additionally, making a lot of short putts will give you the chance to watch a lot of putts sink, which is crucial for confidence. Whatever the length of the putt, you must always have the confidence that it will land in the hole. For long putts, some people try to aim for a 3-foot circle, but this typically results in a larger margin of error. It is best to imagine the long putts rolling into the hole during the final rotation or two. To quickly improve your putting and lower your handicap, use some of the tips mentioned above.

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