The title is it appealing? What do you think could be the biggest competition? After giving it some thought, continue reading. Competition is what a competition is by definition. So, I could be discussing The Super Bowl, The World Series, The Oscars, an Olympic event, A World War, or Conflict between Religions. Just to have the opportunity to compete in these things, people spend their youth training. You, I, and anyone can participate in the contest I’m referring to on a daily basis. Engage in intra-personal competition.

Golf immediately comes to mind. Regular golfers have the chance to repeat their activity with little variation, with the exception that they will remember what they did the last time or several times they teed off at each hole on the course. You have a chance to raise your level of play. You are battling with yourself. What good is that, I hear you ask? I win by defeating the other employee at the office. I am able to win over the boss, and I enjoy seeing one of my coworkers fall. Not at all. That is not good. You have attained arrogance. Win a competition with yourself. You’ll develop confidence after that.

This strategy will work for you if your contest’s definition is to increase your financial gain. Do whatever you are paid to do better. Try it again to see if it was any better. Find the best methods, form stronger coalitions, amass more valuable resources, and market yourself and your goods more successfully, but never let anyone know that what you’re doing is just a mental game. You engage in the biggest game. Regardless of how good you are, strive to improve every day. The trick to using this strategy in daily life is to remember that you taint your game if you cause someone else to lose. In this game, someone else doesn’t matter. You alone are involved in this.

Currently, I’m participating in this game. You don’t have to be aware of it. You are not involved in it. I’ll tell you, though, it’s just because I like you and it’s my game. My article’s title is catchy. It is a tease to entice you to read the article. I usually give my articles titles that tease readers, but today I’m taking it a step further. I took your attention away in the first sentence. I write to you as if we were having a conversation. But I don’t know you.

You’ve been a part of this article with me. For a writer, this represents high art. My writing ability has improved. I tried to lure you with bait. Many individuals view victory as an individual triumph over others. I warned you that if that’s all you do, you’ll miss the best part of winning. If you alter your behavior, I win today’s game. What will you do?

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