Every month, 40 million single people use online dating services.

There’s a good chance that some of those people are rude or exaggerate their appearance. Brutal misrepresentation cases have been reported by all of us. What the hell does a little extra padding even mean?

One time, a woman I met online and I went out for coffee. She described herself as beautiful and blonde with a “little extra padding” as a result of having a child.

Although perceptions of beauty can vary greatly, I didn’t mind that she thought she was attractive. After all, it takes a very ugly person to make coffee intolerable.

Blonde was acceptable to me as well, but she neglected to say that she had purchased it. She was actually more of a light shade of mud than a true blonde. The point where everything went awry was some extra padding.

She would have had difficulty fitting her behind in the chair if I had gone to the movies with her. Sincerably, this woman had a lot of extra padding. She was three times obese.

Don’t misunderstand; I’m not saying I’m flawless or in fantastic shape. I am 5′ 9″ and One hundred eighty pounds is how much I weigh. According to BMI calculations, I am on the high side of “normal weight” or the low side of “obese.”

Not that there is anything wrong with being grossly overweight, but this lady was. But what I found so offensive was the fact that she lied about it.

One of the most seductive people I have ever encountered was obese. She oozed sexuality but could easily stand to lose thirty or forty pounds. She was the epitome of elegance, style, and sophistication.

I don’t have anything against obese people, but what I got was completely different from what I was expecting. I saw mud-colored hair instead of blonde hair because I thought she had been lying to me. I saw ugly instead of beautiful.

I thought she really pulled a fast one on me, despite the fact that she seemed like a nice person.

If she had posted her picture, all of this might have been avoided. More importantly, I ought to have insisted on seeing her photo. That day, while drinking my coffee, I realized something very important. I no longer meet women without first looking at their photos. I’m not saying I’m perfect, but I believe showing someone else your photo is a good place to begin.

Men and women who include a photo in their profile are much more likely to receive messages from other users, according to research that has been consistently found across all online dating sites.

You can definitely avoid disappointment later on by seeing a picture first.

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