In 1957, subliminal advertising made its public debut. During a 6-week run of the movie Picnic, a Fort Lee, New Jersey drive-in theater tachistoscopically flashed the words DRINK COLA COLA and EAT POPCORN for 1/3000th of a second every 5 seconds over Kim Novak’s seductive face. James Vicary, a market researcher from New York, came up with the idea for the subliminal message and boasted that sales of popcorn and Coke in the lobby increased by 18% and 58%, respectively. More research was done on the subject after an onslaught of criticism from outraged citizens and congressmen, and conflicting findings have been discussed ever since.

In case you are unfamiliar with tachistoscopic technology, here is a brief explanation: A tachistoscope is an instrument used to test visual perception, memory, and learning by rapidly projecting a series of images onto a screen.

Even though we are constantly exposed to subliminal messages in our daily lives from a variety of sources, such as movie theaters, billboards, advertisements on passing buses, television and radio commercials, music videos, tapes, and CDs, not all subliminal messaging is harmful. Sure such advertising can cause us to eat more, drink more, become agitated, and react in ways that seem beyond our “norm,” however, positive subliminal messaging can help you overcome negative behavior patterns, and actually help to implant positive cues that help to change our “mind talk.”

In my more than 20 years of involvement in the study of human potential, I have counseled thousands of individuals who have encountered challenges that have hindered their motivation, their physical, mental, or emotional wellness, or their capacity to reach their objectives. It starts in the mind when trying to influence someone’s behavior. Everything we experience in life is processed by our brains. Repeated actions have an impact on the brain, which can be beneficial or harmful to day-to-day functioning depending on how often they occur.

People who are addicted to certain substances or behaviors have become “conditioned” to react a certain way. Then, some addictions lead to emotional, mental, and physical reactions. If all of our “input” were positive throughout life, one would imagine that we would live in a A perfect world in which everyone is content, healthy, and prosperous.

My job has included assisting people in getting past obstacles in life that seem to be limiting them in some way over the years. When used correctly and with the client’s KNOWLEDGE, subliminal messaging is not only acceptable but also has the potential to be very helpful.

If you want to improve your life, you might want to think about a complementary therapy that uses expert subliminal programs to deliver positive messages.

The nation’s, if not the world’s, leading expert in the field of subliminal therapy has created a number of CD and tape programs to aid in the modification of unfavorable behavior. He has created cutting-edge technology that helps to improve life physically, mentally, and emotionally. He is a former lie detector specialist and mind-science expert. All over the world, hospitals and medical professionals have used his programs. They are frequently used by professionals in many different fields. I combine strong Sound and Light processes with this subliminal messaging technology, which includes CDs, Videos, and Cassette tapes, to create a customized program for goal achievement.

Clients using this combination of methodologies will feel a great sense of peace, joy, inner balance, confidence, wellness, or whatever you most want to help you move forward toward your individual goals. Some people seek assistance with confidence and memory before attending a college or job interview. Others desire to improve their tennis or golf swings, stop stuttering, or lose weight. We have a strategy that can help you achieve our objectives no matter where you need improvement.

For more than 20 years, I have seen the positive effects that many people—including executives, athletes, and those dealing with various illnesses—have been able to achieve. Just consider how you might feel all day long if your thoughts were positive and uplifting on a consistent basis. Just consider what your behavior would be like if you could watch a computer or television screen and have positive thoughts sent to you continuously.

If you are interested in changing your life and have come upon a stumbling block, Here is a sample of some self-help CDs and tapes that cost less than $30.00:

Miracle Mindedness* Safe Driving Freedom From Stress*,Accelerated Healing,* Ultra Success Power, *Stop Smoking *,Freedom From Back Pain, *Manifesting Your Vision *,Using Both Halves of Your Brain, *Freedom From Substance Abuse, *Millionaire Orbit, *Weight Loss, * *Natural Pain Relief, *Have It All, *Guilt Free, *Overcoming Addictions, *Rescripting the Child Within *,Freedom From Allergies, *Autism, *Forever Young *,Martial Arts *,Attracting the Right Love Relationship*,Non-Violence,* Releasing Dental Anxiety, Soccer, Tennis, Football ,Baseball ,Bowling Running Golf Intuition Boundless Joy Ultimate Fitness Excel in Exams Lowered Blood Pressure Successful Career In Real Estate Freedom From Arthritis Releasing Fear and Doubt Building a Child’s Self Esteem *Neat and Tidy *Cancer Remission *ADHD *End Stuttering *Genius Power

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