Learning and playing the sport of golf can be very rewarding. The game has many facets, and it’s frequently said that putting is a completely different game. It can be very difficult to learn to putt. Some people master it quickly and become good at it, but they frequently run into problems later on and get the dreaded “putting yips.” The following advice will help you develop your putting skills and maintain them.

Putt To Make It:

On long putts, a lot of golfers aim to just get the ball close to the hole. A 3 foot circle is a common target for them. The issue with this tactic is that you are merely widening your margin for error. Always putting for a stroke would be a better strategy. This means that your objective on every putt is to make the putt.

This does not imply that you must hit the putt hard in order to guarantee that it will fall into the hole. Consider instead that you will make every putt if you can visualize the ball fading into the hole on the previous rotation. Your misses will be much closer this way.

Trust Your First Impression:

It is simple to become overwhelmed while reading greens and begin to have doubts about how the putt will break. Spend some time studying the putt from various angles as you first approach a green. Create a strong first impression after that and stick with it.

It’s crucial to make quick decisions when you’re putting. The ball needs to be put in the hole, and you need to have faith in your read. It does not follow that you will sink every putt. This way of thinking will help you achieve your objective of giving every putt the best opportunity to land in the hole. Even the best professionals occasionally misread greens, so when you do make a few errors, just move on and trust that your next read will be correct.

Focus On Your Successful Putts:

Inevitably, if you play a lot of golf, you will miss a lot of putts. It can become very simple to focus on these failures. Without a doubt, though, you have made a good number of putts as well, some of which were probably quite impressive. Make sure to recognize all of your excellent putts. This will help you remember the successful putts you have made and will increase your putting confidence.

Think back to some of your best putts in order to inspire yourself. Think about your top three putts each night before you go to bed. Play them back as vividly in your mind as you can to feel the joy and satisfaction that you felt when you made those putts. Never hold back your joy after a successful putt, but do not overdo it either. Instead, internalize your happiness so as not to offend your fellow players.

Do Not Think Too Much:

It is simple to start thinking about all kinds of things as you prepare to hit your putts. Make sure you are focused on your target when you are about to strike your putts. If you anticipate that the putt will break, be sure to choose a target, such as a blade of grass on the edge of the hole or somewhere to the right or left of the hole. Additionally, make sure your target is small.

When you are about to hit the putt, do not consider your putting mechanics, how you made your previous putt, or how the putt will break. Just keep your eyes on the target and use your body and mind to make the putt as accurately as possible so that it will travel in the proper direction and at the proper speed to the hole. To make more putts, use some of these suggestions.

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