The number of estate agents available to choose from is growing as the popularity of purchasing a second home abroad or moving to sunnier regions rises. Because of this growth and the enormous increase in Internet users around the world, it is more challenging to distinguish between good, trustworthy agents and those who genuinely care about the interests of their clients.

While researching homes, developments, and estate agents online can be quick and convenient without having to leave the comfort of one’s home, it is not always simple to gauge a real estate agent’s reputation and moral character from a quick glance at their website or a phone call. You can always follow your gut instinct, but there are also important indicators to watch out for and recommendations you can make as a customer to make sure you’ll be happy with where you’re spending your money.

First off, if an agent is willing to post their contact information online, you can assume that they are open to client calls and possibly in-person visits to their offices. Although it might seem like a straightforward step, a cynic might question why a respectable agent would not have their contact information prominently displayed on their website.

A second piece of advice is to keep an eye out for customer reviews on websites. You can be sure that other clients would be happy to endorse an agent’s services if they are happy to have their experiences and feedback published by that agent.

Making a direct phone call to the developer is another piece of advice. You should feel free to check their status as an authorized agent with the developer if you are dealing with an experienced agent who enjoys good working relations with the developers of the properties they sell.

Murcia Agents

In terms of new construction and occupants, Murcia in Spain is one location that is currently experiencing a rapid growth. Various developers are building a large number of new golf resorts in this area. It’s fair to say that at first, Polaris World, a well-known builder in the region who is building a number of opulent golf resorts, served as fuel for this.

Due to their popularity, Murcia is seeing the construction of an increasing number of resorts in a similar design, including Hacienda del Alamo, Novo Carthago, and Peraleja Golf Resort.

These modern resorts provide everything from golf to luxury hotels to spas to shops and dining options, all of which are close to the resort properties themselves.

However, with the popularity of these resorts comes more “agents” from all over the world looking to cash in. It goes without saying that all estate agents are in it for the money, but it’s become even more crucial to pick wisely now. Purchasing a vacation home abroad is often the realization of a dream for many people, so choosing the best agent requires careful consideration. Don’t be afraid to ask some direct questions because more than one agent will likely be contacted. Ask if they have offices you can visit when you are out, ask to contact some previous purchasers of property in the resort to verify an agent’s integrity and never be “bullied” in to making a decision fast.

Try and apply some basic logic when searching for an estate agent online:

When you contacted them, did they respond well or did they try to pressure you?

They seemed to be well-versed in the area’s developments.

In the building they are promoting, how many have they sold?

Can I read some reviews or speak to some previous customers?

Any reputable agent who has your best interests in mind ought to be able to give you some, if not all, of the data listed above.

Some developers even run additional schemes to indicate a higher level of agent credibility such as the Polaris World Golden Partner status, so where this applies always try and opt for an agent displaying the necessary authorizations as this means that in most cases, the developers themselves have conducted some due diligence on the agent before awarding the “higher” agent status.

AIPP (Association of International Property Professionals) and NAEA (National Association of Estate Agents) are two additional beneficial memberships to keep an eye out for. Although these memberships can never guarantee complete protection, they do show that the agent in question has done additional research and is willing to consider the reputation they promote.

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