Network marketing is a very touchy subject. frequently one that is beaten and thrown around like a “hot potato.” Some can manage it, while others can’t. Each side of the debate has its own arguments, too. However, if one looks at companies like,, or even Netflix, they will see that they undoubtedly began as Network Marketing startups, grew to the size they are now, and some of them continue to grow. Without a doubt, Network Marketing was around before the internet.

Simply put, it was another way to use that network for project development. If a building contractor needed a plumber to install the plumbing in a two-story garage, he called his friend or met him at his regular meeting place. A face-to-face discussion occurred, bids were made, and subsequently, I frequently hear that “many business deals have been made on the golf course.” It follows from that quote that golf has its own unique network. not to mention any parallels that might exist. Similarities, you say? Sure, why not? One swings a bat when attempting to knock the ball out of the park so they can travel around the “sand diamond” with ease while another tries to knock the small ball into the hole in one swing.

an idea that is very similar. Network marketing and buying fall under the same category. Online shopping is the go-to option for anyone who wants to travel, purchase brand X, or simply needs that one-of-a-kind pair of jeans or Fossil watch. Fossil has networked with Facebook who is linked with over a billion people and their chance of finding someone in that particular “similar” network market is relatively high. Therefore, it is impossible to disregard the current approaches. In fact, if one needs to order those specialized parts for their truck or car, they might appreciate the network marketing online system even more.

Perhaps, even though they are 1700 miles away from home, they want to send their parents a Maine lobster to brighten their evening. That is possible thanks to the network. So to summarize: one must not cringe when they hear about network marketing because in the big scheme of things, this ‘thing’ has allowed us to reach out into different areas of the world because we can’t travel there but we can see it from the “Google Earth” and take a tour of the world that exists around us. But then Again I could be wrong

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