To play golf, you need to be well equipped. For example, if you want to hike in the mountains of Malaga, you put on good walking shoes. Golf is the same: you need the right equipment. There are many more types of golf clubs than you might think. They differ in performance, materials, the type of shot they are designed for or the golfer’s taste. One of the most important elements is the shaft. Here’s everything you need to know about golf shafts and how to choose yours.

shaft de golf

Think about your swing before you buy

Golf is a sport where the shot is the center of attention. This shot, the swing, will condition the type of club and therefore, its shaft. The shaft is the tubular part between the grip, the handle and the head of the golf club. That’s why, before choosing the shaft of your golf club, you should take into account your level of play, your physical condition and the speed of your club.

Your stature is an important factor to consider when choosing shaft length, as is the lie, the angle of the clubhead. If you are of a certain age and starting to lose distance, a lighter, more flexible shaft will allow you to continue to perform well on your shots. Depending on your skill level, it’s always a good idea to do a custom fitting to see what type of shaft you’re playing with. On the Costa del Sol, many courses offer this personalized service in their schools. All the factors that influence the swing therefore influence the club and shaft. That’s why you should also take into account the size and materials according to your size and physical characteristics.

The best advice? Before you buy your own equipment, you can rent it from the schools and the more than 70 golf courses that await you on the Costa del Sol. The objective is to get to know your swing as well as possible before buying a golf club. In addition, the teachers will be able to guide you on the type of shaft you need just by seeing your game.

Choisir son shaft de golf

Weight and materials

There are shafts of various sizes and materials on the market. Once you know your swing better, you can make your choice:

  • Graphite Shaft: Players with a relaxed, leisurely swing can opt for a lighter graphite shaft that offers greater hitting distance. There are also carbon shafts, similar to the graphite ones.
  • Steel shaft: on the contrary, players with a fast swing often need a stiffer steel shaft for a more precise ball trajectory.

There are different materials depending on the type of golfer: the more precise will opt for rigid steel shafts and those who want to obtain more distance for light shafts. However, this advice should not necessarily be taken literally, since the material to choose depends on the swing, but also on the type of game and shot.

Moreover, thanks to constant technological advances, today you can find graphite shafts with a similar weight to steel ones. The choice will depend on your swing and the shaft you feel most comfortable with, not forgetting, of course, the price (which varies between brands and increases if the manufacture is manual).

Precision and power depend on flexibility

A good swing must provide the exact power to the ball. For this, the shafts play an essential role. If you’re new to golf, you should know that you don’t use the same club for an approach shot as a professional player’s club as you would for a long golf shot. While there are brands that offer other types since there is no set standard, the shafts, depending on their flexibility, would be as follows:

  • Lady: This shaft reaches 110 CPM and is generally used by amateur golfers with medium to low swing speeds.
  • Senior: heavier than the previous ones, the Senior shafts can reach 130 CPM. They are used by players with a low swing speed.
  • Regular: regular shafts are recommended for men and medium level amateurs, with a medium stiffness
  • Firm: Slightly stiffer than regulars, these shafts offer good performance for amateurs with a fast swing and for professional women who want to improve their accuracy.
  • Stiff: Primarily used by professionals, Stiff shafts (and the Extra Stiff) are ideal for fast spinning golfers to achieve great accuracy. This is the shaft of choice for expert golfers who know the game inside and out and have a command of technique.

Torque and inflection point: two factors to consider

Two other factors are important when choosing your shaft: the torque and the inflection point. Both are related to swing, weight, materials and flexibility.

  • The inflection point is the point where the shaft bends when hitting the ball and the faster the swing, the higher this point should be. That’s why professional golfers prefer shafts with a higher inflection point for more accuracy, and beginners prefer lower inflection points.
  • Torque measures how much the shaft twists during the stroke. In general, less torque means more accuracy during the shot. If your swing is fast, the torque will be low.

shaft swing golf

In short, there are so many different factors that the best option is to experiment until you find the right shaft, if possible with the help of a professional. Although the more experienced the golfer, the stiffer, faster and heavier the shaft, this is not always the case. The size of the golfer and the size of the club also play a role.

If you want to start playing by renting your golf clubs to find out what your swing is like, you can do so at the different schools on the Costa del Golf. Some of them offer you a fitting: a set of tests to know your swing and the type of clubs you will need.

And if you are, on the contrary, an expert golfer who wants to renew your equipment, once you have found your 14 regulation clubs and their shafts, the province of Malaga awaits you with the best courses in Europe. All you have to do is plan your next getaway!

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