What could be simpler than hitting a golf ball to accurately send it 200 to 300 yards down a small piece of land? Answer, everything.

One of the most challenging tasks in relation to any other sporting activity must be hitting a small object, like a golf ball, with a long shaft that has a strangely shaped steel object attached to the end of it.

Why, why, why is it so difficult is the pressing query. The problem would be solved, every golfer would be playing from scratch, and competitions would be absurd if there were a straightforward solution. How can we deconstruct and make the golf swing simpler? There is much more to talk about, so keep reading.

Here is a brief explanation of the mechanics of the typical golf swing used by players.

* Let’s start by examining the most fundamental action that needs to be taken, which is the grip. You will immediately be in trouble if your grip is poor because it will affect how well the entire swing works.

Although there are many different grips, the right hand positioned beneath the left hand is the most common. As the club descends to strike the ball, the fingers should be flexible and curl around one another while fitting snugly but not too tightly on the grip. This will allow the club to move without getting stuck.

* Let’s now examine how to raise the club to the striking position. You must grip the club with both arms straight as you approach the ball on the Tee box; once you start to raise the club above your head, your arms should start to bend at the elbows.

Keep the club moving in a wide arc; it must descend in precisely the same arc that it rose in. Your shot won’t be accurate and the ball won’t land where you intended if you even slightly veer off course.

* By the way, the motion described above applies to all of your shots from the tee, fairway, bunker, and chipping shots. Straight arms, tightly wrapped fingers, and supple upward movement are all used while maintaining control of the club.

It’s a shame that time and space prevent me from going into more depth on this topic, but here is a summary. Now that there is a lot more to learn, you must look for the training materials that work best for you.

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