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GOLFGift of Life Foundation
GOLFGlobal Oscillations at Low Frequencies (SOHO experiment)
GOLFGame of Life First
GOLFGod Our Loving Father
GOLFGod Offers Love and Forgiveness
GOLFGoal-Oriented Leadership Function
GOLFGeneral Officer Logistic Forum
GOLF[not an acronym] Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden (urban legend about origin of golf game)
GOLFGod Offers Love Forever

References in classic literature ?

I state once more that in his thirty-first year Archibald Mealing went in for a golf championship, and won it.

Archibald belonged to a select little golf club, the members of which lived and worked in New York, but played in Jersey.

Gossett was an unpopular subject with members of the Cape Pleasant Golf Club.

The early stages of the Cape Pleasant golf tournament need no detailed description.

Everyone who has seen Archibald Mealing play golf knows that his teeing off is one of the most impressive sights ever witnessed on the links.

‘The fact is, I have been playing in a golf tournament.’

‘I suppose you don’t get much time for golf then, what?’ said Lord Dawlish, sympathetically.

As long as he could afford to belong to one or two golf clubs and have something over for those small loans which, in certain of the numerous circles in which he moved, were the inevitable concomitant of popularity, he was satisfied.

I couldn’t trade on a chance acquaintance of the golf links to–‘

“I’m not so keen on golf as some of the fellows, and my arm’s still a little dicky, but I’m fed up with London, and I’m not allowed even to come before the Board again for a fortnight, so I rather welcome the chance of getting right away.

The clubhouse on the golf links was used, of course, for many other purposes besides that of golf.

[ClickPress, Tue Jul 02 2019] Golf cart is a self-propelled vehicle driven by electric motors and internal combustion engines specifically intended for use on golf courses for transporting golfers and their equipment.

Acronyms browser ?

  • GOIS
  • GOIT
  • GoJ
  • GOJC
  • GOJF
  • GOJH
  • GOK
  • GOKF
  • GOKM
  • GoKR
  • GOL
  • GOLA
  • GOLB
  • GOLC
  • GOLD
  • GOLE
  • GOLF
  • Golkar
  • GOLO
  • GOLP
  • GOLQ
  • GOLR
  • GOLS
  • GoM
  • GOMA
  • GOMap
  • GOMB

Full browser ?

  • golem
  • golem
  • Golem of Living Rock
  • Golem of Prague
  • Golem of Prague
  • Golem of Prague
  • Goleminov, Marin
  • Golems
  • Golems
  • Golems
  • Golenischeff
  • Golenishchev, Vladimir
  • Golenishchev, Vladimir Semenovich
  • Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Ivan
  • Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Ivan Loginovich
  • Golenkin, Fedor Ilich
  • Golenkin, Mikhail Ilich
  • Golet
  • Goleta
  • Goleta Growth Management Ordinance
  • Goleta Transportation Improvement Program
  • Goleta Union School District
  • Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • Goleta Valley Cottage Hospital
  • Goleta Valley Cycling Club
  • Goleta Valley Junior High School
  • Goleta West Sanitary District
  • Golets
  • Golets
  • Goletta
  • GOLF
  • Golf (Sport)
  • Golf (Sport)
  • Golf (Sport)
  • Golf and Sports Turf Management
  • Golf around the World
  • Golf Association Gendarmerie Nationale
  • Golf Association of Florida
  • Golf Association of Ontario
  • Golf Association of Philadelphia
  • Golf Australia
  • golf bag
  • Golf Bag Shipping
  • golf ball
  • golf ball
  • golf ball
  • golf ball
  • Golf Ball Body
  • golf ball epilepsy
  • Golf Ball History
  • Golf Ball History
  • Golf Ball History
  • Golf Ball Liver
  • Golf Ball Metastases
  • golf ball printer
  • Golf Ball Technique
  • Golf Ball-on-a-Tee Sign
  • Golf balls
  • Golf balls
  • Golf balls
  • Golf Basket Club Herblinois

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