There are numerous jokes about sex addiction, especially since Tiger Woods entered rehab to stop having affairs. Was that clever public relations to win people over or is sex really an addiction? Any sex addict will tell you that it is real; however, consider the information below and make your own judgment.

There has been research on sex addiction, and it is estimated that 3-6% of adults are preoccupied and spend a lot of time satisfying their sexual needs. Similar to other addictions like addiction to gambling or food, it dominates their thoughts and turns into an obsession. Sexual addicts feel out of control, engage in risky sexual behavior, feel guilty, and are simply unable to stop.

A chemical imbalance in the brain exists that is similar to the cycle of alcoholism, according to Dr. Aviel Goodman, director of the Minnesota Institute of Psychology. In order to experience the same fulfillment or “high,” the sex addict needs to intensify and frequent their behavior.

As many sex addicts have reported being abused or neglected as children, family history may play a role in the problem. Although not always the case.

Stress frequently causes compulsive actions to occur, and excitement-related brain chemicals are triggered by both physical and psychological arousal. Other neurotransmitters connected to stress also play a role in sexual addiction.

Sexual addicts’ fantasies, which may involve any sexual act, consume their thoughts. The addiction is still fed by this. Rituals are a component of obsessive behavior, just like any other addiction. These fantasies can involve an idealized sexual act with a known partner or stereotypical repetitive sex with a stranger.

The addict feels like they are losing control as the obsession turns into a compulsion to act. The sexual addict is compelled to carry out the act they do to get relief, regardless of the consequences or wanting to stop.

Once the act is finished, addicts experience desperation, regret, and resolve never to repeat it, but they do. All addictive behaviors are similar to this one.

Is Tiger Woods a sex addict or was his admission to rehab just good public relations? He and the other famous people who have claimed to be sex addicts have at least done one thing, though we’ll likely never know the real story. They’ve exposed an issue that many people deal with. The first step to receiving the necessary help is raising awareness of sex addiction because sex addicts are notoriously secretive about their behavior.

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