The Power of Fear: Overcoming the Avoidance Syndrome
Based on my experience with over eleven-thousand students, I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority find it easier to recall mistakes than successes. The fear of repeating…
Find the latest golf news from all the major tours and updates from around the world. Up-to-date the latest golf news, gear, instruction, style and more.
Based on my experience with over eleven-thousand students, I have come to the conclusion that the vast majority find it easier to recall mistakes than successes. The fear of repeating…
How often have you hit shots like a tour pro on the practice range and then proceeded to slice the first tee shot out of bounds? How can your swing…
What does throwing a baseball and swinging a golf club have in common? They both use the ground to add some power to a motion. You wouldn't get anything on…
How long have you played the game? Are you constantly improving or have you hit the proverbial glass ceiling? Despite quantum advances in equipment technology, Smartphones with HD video replay…
What is the one thing every golfer wants - but never thinks they have? Consistency. of course. Most of us can accept the fact that hitting three-hundred drives is beyond…
How long have you played the game? Do you take lessons and practice diligently - but only see marginal improvement? Despite unlimited sources of free information from the worlds' premier…
Despite quantum advances in equipment technology, the "average" golfer struggles to break ninety. According to figures compiled by the United States Golf Association statistics, this figure hasn't changed appreciably in…
One of the most fascinating (and frustrating) aspects in the game of golf, is the relationship between knowledge and results. You can learn the essentials of proper technique in a…
Many amateur golfers struggle with golf at the beginning. So most of the time they look for lessons to improve their golf game. The question then arises, "how many lessons…
Do you take lessons every year and practice diligently, but only realize marginal improvement? Is it any wonder that only ten percent of golfers invest in professional instruction after the…