The Biggest Challenge for Weekly Golfers Is Improving
How often have you hit shots like a tour pro on the practice range and then proceeded to slice the first tee shot out of bounds? How can your swing…
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How often have you hit shots like a tour pro on the practice range and then proceeded to slice the first tee shot out of bounds? How can your swing…
What is the one thing every golfer wants - but never thinks they have? Consistency. of course. Most of us can accept the fact that hitting three-hundred drives is beyond…
How long have you played the game? Do you take lessons and practice diligently - but only see marginal improvement? Despite unlimited sources of free information from the worlds' premier…
Despite quantum advances in equipment technology, the "average" golfer struggles to break ninety. According to figures compiled by the United States Golf Association statistics, this figure hasn't changed appreciably in…
One of the most fascinating (and frustrating) aspects in the game of golf, is the relationship between knowledge and results. You can learn the essentials of proper technique in a…
The game of golf is replete with misconceptions that are beneath our conscious awareness. These beliefs impose limits far beyond the lack of technical skill. Are you familiar with the…
Do you take lessons every year and practice diligently, but only realize marginal improvement? Is it any wonder that only ten percent of golfers invest in professional instruction after the…
What is the most frustrating shot in golf? Most amateur golfers would vote unanimously for the recalcitrant "slice". The novice, might consider topping the ball a shorter distance than they…
How many perfect shots does it take for you to feel confident? If perfection is your standard, then your level of confidence is tenuous. Your swing is a by-product of…
Every golfer is familiar with the maxim that golf is ninety-percent mental. It sounds good in theory, but how does simply acknowledging the phrase help you play better? In this…