The majority of golfers with mid to high handicaps do not have the time, resources, or desire to hit thousands of practice balls, but every golfer can cultivate the mindset necessary to consistently play at their best.

Having the beliefs that allow you to reach your potential will result in continuous improvement.

What do you mean when you say consistency?

Expectations influence how you define something. Maybe changing your expectations will show you that you are more consistent than you realize.

For the most part, my students associate doing well with breaking 95, 90, or 85. The next step is to identify the mental roadblocks that seem to always stand in your way of progress after you’ve set a goal (in terms of score).

The quantity of accurate shots or the quantity of misses, which shots have a greater impact on your score?

Perfect shots are an accident; they’re nice when they happen, but they’re impossible to forecast. You never know when you’re going to make the ideal shot. On the other hand, imperfect shots are inevitable; it’s not a question of if, but rather when, a poor shot is going to manifest.

Minimizing the effects of the first bad shot is the key to consistency. Even though you can’t predict when it will happen, you can mentally get ready by lowering your chances of losing more than one stroke.

Play by feel; choose the club that feels right instead of trying to play the hole according to some preconceived notion of how it should be played. Bogey golf is a score of ninety or lower. Breaking 90 is simple once you take double bogeys out of the equation.

Being consistent requires lessening the severity of the bad shots, not making more perfect shots.

It’s inevitable that some shots will be bad. This might initially come off as pessimistic thinking. A reasonable number of inaccurate shots should be permitted each round. I would start with ten if your score was in the nineties. You can reduce the number as you improve,

Depending on how you are feeling, your golf swing is constantly changing. Your chances of reproducing a smooth swing increase as you feel better.

Allowing yourself to make subpar shots will make you feel better than constantly criticizing your performance.

The idea of consistency is not all or nothing. The best players in the world are aware of how unpredictable the game can be. The most crucial lesson you can pick up from the top players in the world is how to adopt the mindset of acceptance.

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