Have you ever made the ideal shot? Are you able to remember your thoughts at the time?

Most of my students answer “yes” to the first question and “I don’t recall” to the second. These responses show that the student has a strong enough muscle memory to forgo swing mechanics for 1.5 seconds and simply hit the ball.

Each and every golfer has made shots that, both physically and mentally, felt effortless, regardless of their level of skill. Our objective is to assist you in finding the formula to replicate those flawless shots.

Are you familiar with the axiom “only perfect practice makes perfect”? The logic is sound, but how does just accepting the idea make you better?

Let’s say there are 80 balls in a typical large bucket. What percentage of those would be flawless shots? Would twenty be reasonable? If one quarter of the shots are perfect, seventy-five percent are varying degrees of “misses”. In the end, you are essentially practicing your errors.

The logical next step would be to try to fix flawed swing mechanics.

You believe the issue has been resolved after making a dozen shots. You confidently walk up to the first tee, take a practice swing or two, go through your mental check list, and step onto the course… slice the shot out-of-bounds.

Are you familiar with this?

There are three stages involved in creating efficient muscle memory. Depending on how you develop, you might find it difficult to reach a score of 90 or you might let your muscle memory take over and easily reach the low 80s. Let’s examine the initial phase.

Stage 1: stop exercising. The “only perfect practice makes perfect” axiom makes no reference to actually hitting balls on the practice range. The first step is to feel the fundamental swing positions without thinking about the outcome.

How can flawless practice be ensured? You went through the same procedure when learning to drive a car.

In order for a golf swing to be effective, there are four key positions. You should practice these positions in slow motion for two minutes every day during stage one until they start to feel natural. The procedure could take two weeks to a month. Developing a daily practice routine is the key.

A word of caution: knowing the positions is not sufficient. To move past swing mechanics, you must develop a feel.

In the article after this, we’ll examine the four crucial positions that can be found in every successful swing. The more you practice these fundamental positions, the faster you’ll develop the best muscle memory and play better with less effort. These positions are the fundamental causes underlying every result.

Thanks for reading!

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