Ladies, if you have ever considered playing golf but decided against it because it takes too much time and energy to learn the game, golf for women is an exciting activity.

Or does golf seem too passive? If so, I totally understand that I felt the same way. Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s time to give golf a chance! Golf is a fun sport that often gets a bad rap.

Misconceptions about golf

That said, for some reason, golf is often associated with the older generation. Many of my friends admit that, from the outside, golf looks boring. Many describe the game as a bunch of old men on a field of green grass hitting a little white ball into a tiny hole with a flag in it. That description is no longer valid, because look out men, women’s golf is booming! And that’s not all, golf is also seducing the younger generation.

An important part of the growth of the game of golf is the growth of women’s golf. Whether you realize it or not, women are the fastest growing group of golfers. Here are the reasons why learning to play golf is empowering for women and girls.

index d'un joueur de golf - Le parcours du golf du belvédère Annecy

Golf is not an easy game, it is “the greatest game ever played”. Unlike learning to swim or ride a bike, you can’t just walk onto a golf course and get there.

Learning to play golf takes time, as well as a physical, mental and emotional commitment. It’s a game of precision. Ask anyone who has taken a golf lesson for the first time: it can be infinitely frustrating.

However, despite the challenge, when played well, golf can be very rewarding. When a young woman or girl takes up golf and sees improvement through hard work, she feels very rewarded. Learning golf teaches you that you can accomplish a task, even if it is very difficult.

Why golf requires patience.

Like many things in life, golf is not a game with immediate results. People who play golf have a lot of patience. This is an asset in itself, because it shows that even when things get tough, you hang in there and don’t give up.

Women and girls who play golf are hard workers who refuse to be put off by a difficult task. These are the women that universities want to accept and companies want to see working for them.

Faire un stage de Golf a Annecy

To improve, you have to practice

Success in golf does not come without practice. The best women golfers in the world spend hours practicing and perfecting their game.

Amateur golfers also have to spend a lot of time improving their game. However, golf is unique in that the number of hours spent practicing is not necessarily related to improving your game. It is how you practice golf that allows you to improve. Playing golf requires that you understand your weaknesses and know how to correct them, which is also useful in the real world.

Golf is about setting goals and planning how to achieve them. If you can do this, it shows you are a disciplined person.

Knowing how to play golf for business is a great advantage for women. Golf for executives is a common theme today, as the golf course is often where deals are made and clients are persuaded. But knowing how to play physically is not the only skill that can be useful to a career woman.

Golf is a social sport. Playing golf with other people teaches you to hold a conversation with people you may never have met before. It requires you to be respectful, courteous and polite.

Just like the business world, golf has a set of etiquette rules that you must follow. For example, you must not talk while someone is hitting, you must not encroach on someone’s putt line, and you must allow the person with the lowest score to start playing.

Just as in the office, at many private golf clubs there are also dress codes that you must follow. Golf teaches you to act professionally and with class, which is recognized in the business world.

Un parcours a Annecy

Ladies, golf gives you life lessons

Golf is a game of integrity, honor and character. It has been said that “golf…is a foolproof test.

The man (or woman) who can go alone on a rough field, knowing that only God is watching, and play his or her ball where it is, is the man (or woman) who will serve you faithfully and well.”

  • Golf is the only game without referees. It teaches you to be honest and straightforward, two necessary skills in life.
  • Golf is as much about your outer ability as it is about your inner ability. It forces you to fight with yourself and overcome your doubts.
  • It teaches you endurance and resilience, which help you become a better person.
  • It gives you confidence in yourself and your abilities, which allows you to gain the respect of others.

Golf is a great game that all women should learn to play. Learning to deal with success and failure on the course can help you off the course as well.

Because golf is for us synonymous with meeting and sharing, at the Golf du Belvédère Lac d’Annecy, you will not only find a beautiful training structure, you will also find a soul, an atmosphere… In short, an always smiling welcome that will make you want to extend the sporting experience by a moment of relaxation.

At the Golf Du Belvédère at the gates of Annecy, you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Aravis mountains.

You will find moreover at your disposal very beautiful infrastructures such as:

  • A 230-meter multi-story driving range
  • A putting green
  • An approach area
  • A 9-hole course to put your training into practice
  • A Golf Academy with two teachers
  • Courses organized in the summer and on weekends

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