Finding a putter that suits your playing style is a crucial component of improving your game. Presently, I’ve always expressed it two ways. Straight on putting and floating putting. There are various ways to put something between those two opposites that includes elements of both. For float putting, putters like the Birdie and Pole Cat work well. They genuinely resemble oversized Pringles can lids. They putt very slowly and straightly. perfect for floating putts. They do, however, have a propensity to turn if you accelerate them too quickly. This might not be the best option for you if you putt very forcefully. An Avair or Rhyno would make a better putter. These putters are more overstable and need more force to be applied to them in order to putt more accurately. The Aero is a unique putter. It has a ton of glide and almost none of the fade. Longer putts that must finish directly into the hole benefit from this. The best of us will be frustrated by how far this disc will travel if you power it and miss the basket. My preferred putter is the Avair Driver. This is similar to an Avair but has a drive that can handle more power. With one of these, I also made my first hole. With lots of spin and average power, this disc works well for float putts. Good putts with this disc look like they bounce out of your hand and into the basket

Using a gummy putter is more popular among some golfers. The gummier putters like to “grab” the chains. They should, after all. They don’t seem to work any better at staying in the basket than other putters in my experience using them. Although they are really cool and flexible, they typically last longer due to their greater ability to withstand impact. The Aviar Driver is the putter I’m currently using. Despite having “Driver” in the name, this is a putter. My first hole-in-one was actually with that putter, which was 210 feet away. Yes, I used the putter to drive… The putter has a large rim or bead in any case. Not at all gummy, it is rather stiff. But compared to other gummy putters, I usually have more success getting this one to stick into the basket. I found the putter that is right for me:)

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